
A fun project for a local business here in Tokyo, homemade baked goods in the heart of Tokyo, with dinosaurs!

A fun project that combines the love baked goods with the childhood passion for dinosaurs, allowing kids of all ages to live out their day dreams of the past. With this project we were trying to make something that stood out from the norm and would really capture your attention.

A fun project that made the six year-old in me happy as all get out, who doesn't like drawing dinosaurs!



In the beginning we worked on the creating multiple rough sketches, thumbnails to explore different layouts that could work. After going through them, we decided on three formats and refined the sketches further, that can be used for any format. Lastly we refined the last sketch to be used for the final layout and to adjust any design issues.



Selected Works

Fant-O-LanternsNFT Illustration Project




PK Masa SarutobiIllustration

Gangsta GanonIllustration